Wiki source code of Nixie Spritesheet

Last modified by Victor Zhang on 00:34, 22/07/2020

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1 * During the development of the GDice app ( the log will be posted soon ), I was experimenting ways to display numbers
2 * One particular way interested me that has the nostalgic feeling, called [[Nixie Tube>>]]
3 ** End up not using it, but it's a good test
4 ** Built using [[Autodesk Fusion 360>>]]
5 *** Solid modeling , will not be polygon efficient for game rendering
6 *** Rendered as spritesheet, as f360 has a pretty easy to tune rendering system that's almost photo realistic
7 ** Result put in : [[Nixie Tube Spritesheet>>]]
8 ** Packed using [[Texturepacker's free version>>]](((
9 (% border="1" class="table-bordered" %)
10 |Rendered using Orthogonal Camera|[[image:NixieOrth.png]]
11 |Rendered using Perspective Camera|[[image:NixiePers.png]]
12 )))
13 * Phaser P5 not working somehow needs investigate
14 * Somehow can only use raw API
16 {{html clean="false"}}
17 <div id="canvasparent">
18 <canvas id="mycanvas" width="600" height="300">
19 </canvas>
20 </div>
21 <script>
22 let windowurl = window.location.href;
23 let attachurl = windowurl.substring(0, 41) + 'download' + windowurl.substring(45);
24 setTimeout( () => {
25 let c = document.getElementById("mycanvas");
26 let ctx = c.getContext("2d");
28 let imgurls = [attachurl+'WebHome/NixieOrth.png', attachurl+'WebHome/NixiePers.png'];
30 // console.log( "Load image:", JSON.stringify(imgurls) );
31 // console.log( "canvas size:",c.width, ",", c.height );
32 let scrwidth = c.width;
33 let scrheight = c.height;
34 let borderwidth = 2;
36 // Draw a border
37 ctx.beginPath();
38 ctx.lineWidth = ""+borderwidth;
39 ctx.strokeStyle = "#ffffff";
40 ctx.rect(borderwidth / 2, borderwidth / 2, scrwidth - borderwidth, scrheight - borderwidth);
41 ctx.stroke();
43 // create images
44 imgloads = [];
45 imgurls.forEach( (item, ids) => {
46 let thisimg = document.createElement("img");
47 thisimg.src = item;
48 imgloads.push( thisimg );
49 });
50 // console.log( imgloads );
52 var currentidx = 0;
53 setInterval( () => {
54 // redraw static
55 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, scrwidth , scrheight);
56 // Draw a border
57 ctx.beginPath();
58 ctx.lineWidth = ""+borderwidth;
59 ctx.strokeStyle = "#ffffff";
60 ctx.rect(borderwidth / 2, borderwidth / 2, scrwidth - borderwidth, scrheight - borderwidth);
61 ctx.stroke();
63 // console.log( "Drawing frame:" + currentidx );
64 ctx.drawImage(imgloads[0], 76 * currentidx, 0, 76, 157, 112, 72, 76, 157);
65 ctx.drawImage(imgloads[1], 76 * currentidx, 0, 76, 162, 412, 69, 76, 162);
66 currentidx++;
67 currentidx %= 10;
68 } , 500 );
69 }, 1000 );
70 </script>
71 {{/html}}

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