
Last modified by Victor Zhang on 16:38, 07/04/2020

Blog - posts for May 2020

Development log - GDice - Number

Raycast on Phaser Camera3D Plugin

  • The problem is actually discovered by a student when trying to implement a forward running game (They need to click the enemy)
  • The camera3d class provides a ray function:
  • In that way, calculating the x,y on the target plane and then do some hit-test manually would do the job
  • Used example:\camera\3D%20camera\floor.js
  • Modify line  33 to : var balls = camera.createRect({ x: 8, y: 1, z: 8 }, 32, 'ball');
  • Add following block to create():
       balls.forEach( function(ball){
            ball.setData('tag', 'ball'+ball.x+':'+ball.y+':'+ball.z);
        } )

       this.input.on('pointerdown', function (pointer) {

            ray = camera.getPickRay(pointer.x, pointer.y);
            balls.forEach( function(ball){
               // r is hardcoded here
               let r = 4;
               // calculate x y @ z of the object
               let tx, ty;
               let tz = ball.z;
                tx = ray.origin.x + ray.direction.x * (tz - ray.origin.z ) / ray.direction.z;
                ty = ray.origin.y + ray.direction.y * (ray.origin.z - tz) / ray.direction.z;
               let tl = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(tx - ball.x, 2) + Math.pow(ty - ball.y, 2) );
               if( tl < r ){
                    console.log(ball.getData('tag')+' isHit');
                    ball.gameObject.alpha = 0;
            } );

        }, this);
  • Explanation:
    • the radius is hard coded here (5)
    • more complex hit testing will need to be implemented for complex shapes
    • manually enumerated through all object, inefficient (may need to implement some obvious exclusion for optimization)
  • Extra problem
    • Why is y axis reversed here?
  • To study:

Imaging Device and Webcam

Created by Victor Zhang on 23:50, 28/01/2005

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