Reading note - Prototype to Product - Continue 02

  • CH2
    • P25 - Dev process [remark: this seems to be extremely lucky without any hassle]
    • P25 - Does This Make Sense? [remark: personal opinion, that people seems to always ignore a very big part - luck, if too fixated on whether it makes sense, might as well do nothing. So sometime just need to follow the passion, it's not that the idea makes sense that makes something survive, but doing something good because of passion draws people into the idea]
      • Not to say market/user research is not important, they are, but luck is also a big part
      • Limitation in reality in terms of resource is also a big factor in decision making
    • P38 - "look like" and "work like" [remark: back then Hay when doing concept art used similar word to describe concept art]
    • P39-42 [remark: seems it's a bit outdated, need to use all means necessary, also digital fabrication, or else many features like high freq/RF can't be tested]
  • CH3
    • [remark: The manufacture process, back then only available for mass production now is possible to do it in small scale, so small scale production/prototype doesn't really utilize different tool chain, eg:]

Review of HEPA mask by Dr. Jiangmei Wu

  • During construction
    • Because of the thickness of HEPA bag
      • Staples could miss half the  clip 
      • When cutting, the layer shift could result in, needs good scissor for it
    • HEPA bag doesn't react well with scoring with patter as described in document
      • So will need some skill to fold it correctly
      • But geometrically the arcs fit perfectly
  • Overall, it's a great design and among the DIY masks, this is among the few design that actually has protection
  • Could design a helper structure to speed up the construction

Reading note - Prototype to Product

The book by  focus on intelligent electronic device, Alan Cohen is a manager/system engineer, so the book will lean more towards a birds eye view that links different elements together.


  • Preface
    • P XI:
      • 95% of new products fail
      • Common mistake: not estimating effort correctly. [Remark: from my experience in both software, hardware it's the very exact things that happends with the scheduling and budgeting]
    • P XII:
      • System engineering is about integration
  • CH1
    • P2:
      • Fundamental Principle: surprises only get more expensive if discovered later. Surprises are mostly bad [Remark: somehow look like mutation in DNA most of them are bad, that's why evolution takes aeons]
    • P3: 11 sins indication
      • 1 - Use agile process, test constantly, rather find problems eariler
      • 2,3 - Assumptions are bad, either by us specullating users or users preference
      • 4,5,6,7 - Management issues, need to be structured and address outside constrains
      • 8 - Wanting to add everything is bad [remark1: I actually always see students doing it even in online platform UX design, ending up with a lot of features which may confuse the users] [remark2: Reducing user-friendliness for being extensivly configurable might not be bad if it's not for normal users but for professional tools, eg: audio mixer,pilot's panel, in this case, I do not think this sin is that important as people who need it would adapt and they really need feature rich]
      • 9 - Always being perfectionist is bad
      • 10, 11 - Business strategy side, exit strategy and integration vs enabling technology [remark: for developing technology I think it's only this book's perspective that makes it bad, I do think there's space for technology development, having key technology in hand can raise bar for competetors so I do not think that's such a bad idea]

Study of DIY masks - surgical style

Study of several DIY masks

  • As I still lean towards the unpopular view that mask for everyone is ineffective [1], even the WHO/CDC guideline that wearing mask to prevent transmission to others has preliminary evidence against it [2] . More over, few advocates for mask for all among professionals[3] mistakenly weighs "natural" comparison which has too many variables above controlled experiment.[4] That leads me to believe, if I'd place a bet between them, I would bet 95% that the general public is simply wrong , despite I as a non-health professional also would intuitively think that mask would be effective against respiratory transmittable disease.
  • However as Hongkong security guard and bus driver demanding mask of what they think is effective, because I'm not a believer of confronting frontline as they are just following orders as it's neither effective in changing people's mind nor action. If the goal is not to compete with health workers for PPEs and potentially be more environmentally friendly, while being socially acceptable, it makes sense to go with DIY masks, and there are several parameters I'm looking here.
    • Effectiveness is not considered important here as the main goal now is just to blend in society, but will still be considered
    • Ease of construction
    • Reusability
    • Waste produce
  • First on material
    • Vacuum bag (HEPA), as vacuum bag has pretty good particle filtering qualities, not as good as N95 but sitll very effective.
      • Can filter 99.97% 0.3micron[5]
      • But hot, have resistance breathing
    • Tissue paper
      • Bio - degradable
      • Can stop large droplet
      • No protection
      • Needs to change more often
    • Cloth
      • No protection
      • Can stop large droplet
      • Reusable ( can be washed )
      • Bio - degradable
  • Pattern (All rights belong to the authors)
  • My speculation:
    • For protection and easy construction, the origami A1 wins, as for B2 style, a lot of sewing work is required, if it's not reusable, of course B2 is good if there's enough labour who actually need to make those masks and donate to health professionals in places where PPE is scarce.
    • For reusablilty, all the cloth ones, B1 and B3 is easier to construct than B2 as there's no middle seam concern for aesthetics.
    • A1 has high reusability and easier to clean than cloth masks (can wipe and spray alcohol), however, can't pass preception test for security and bus drivers.
  • So to combine the ease to construct and reusability, it's probably good to 3d print clipping device to save the sewing work of B1/B3
    • For they both only need clips on the side
    • Surgical style seems more easy to pull off
    • 3D mask needs a little more though on the pattern


[1] COMMENTARY: Masks-for-all for COVID-19 not based on sound data; Lisa M Brosseau, ScD, and Margaret Sietsema, PhD , Apr 01, 2020;

[2] Bae S, Kim M, Kim JY, et al. Effectiveness of Surgical and Cotton Masks in Blocking SARS–CoV-2: A Controlled Comparison in 4 Patients. Ann Intern Med. 2020; [Epub ahead of print 6 April 2020]. doi:

[3] Masks for all? The science says yes; Professor Trisha Greenhalgh OBE and Jeremy Howard; 13 Apr 2020;

[4] @fangshimin ;口罩党最近在疯传这篇文章和这张模拟图,认为全民戴口罩能防止新冠病毒传播已被科学证明了。我看了该文的证据,觉得很可笑。他们承认随机对照实验证明戴口罩没能起到预防传染病作用,但认为“自然实验”证明戴口罩有用,证据是某国全民戴口罩后疫情好转了。他们竟认为有无数变量的“自然实验”胜于对照实验[tweet];Apr 16, 2020;


Bookmark - Prototype to Product

Ref: , recommended by Prof. Kun-pyo Lee

First look: approaches it from several aspects, both prototyping and link prototype to manufacturing

Bone Conduction Transducer (Log 00)


  • 2 models purchased
  • 1 driver board purchased
  • The square models similar to the adafruit model
  • Mechanical Dimension
    • The squre one same as adafruit model
    • Round one and driver board
    • Round_R: 16.8mm, Round_H: 7.2mm, Driver_W:17.2mm, Driver_H:14.4mm


Cordova Android 1st Test


Created by Victor Zhang on 23:50, 28/01/2005

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